

 这 policy defines the official 网站 of the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith, 地址收集和使用与这些网站有关的信息,和 describes under what circumstances the university may disclose such information, consistent 与约柜. 法典§25-1-114.

The university adheres to all applicable federal and state laws, as well as general 适用于计算机资源使用的大学政策.



Except as noted, the information in this privacy policy applies to all official University of Arkansas – Fort Smith 网站, which are defined as those administered through the university content management system, such as university colleges and schools, main departments, divisions, or other units typically reporting to or deemed official by the chancellor, provost, vice chancellors, deans, directors and/or department heads/chairs. These sites comply with the university template, graphics and Web standards as managed 通过市场营销 & 通信. 某些官方网站可能有自己的或补充的 符合其功能或法律要求的隐私政策.

在大学领域内(uafs).Edu)是各种没有维护的网站 由大学提供. 这些非官方网站包括但不限于RSO网站, 以及其他校园实体. 本隐私政策仅适用于官方大学 网站. 

The university, while reserving its right to monitor communications via university 网站 for legal, policy or business reasons, including security and functionality, will not monitor the content of communications as a matter of normal business practice. However, the fact that communication occurred (such as when a user visits a university website or utilizes university 网站 to search for information or submit a form), 是否可以作为正常的业务惯例进行例行记录. 
  • 用户计算机的IP地址
  • 用户计算机访问我们网站的日期和时间
  • 引用网站的IP地址和URL
  • 用户从大学网站请求的页面
  • the information that a user’s Web browser software sends, which typically identifies the browser software and may also indicate the operating system and type of CPU used 在用户的计算机中
  • 在电子邮件的情况下,发件人和收件人的电子邮件地址

 Some university 网站 use 谷歌分析, a Web analytics service provided by 谷歌公司.,收集网址、互联网域名和主机名等信息; 浏览器软件,网站访问日期和时间等.

作为一般规则,该大学不跟踪个人访客档案. 这 data is used to analyze aggregate traffic/access information for resource management, 网站策划,广告和营销. 
When personally identifiable information is entered through university 网站, typically the information requested and collected is only used to provide the information or 请求者所寻求的服务,就像一个人可能提供这样的信息一样 when visiting a university office in person or submitting the information via paper, 例如,入学申请. 
However the university may also use any information gathered through university 网站 or exchange such information with other entities in order to carry out normal university 业务运营,包括市场营销和分包商服务. 法律要求 concerning use and disclosure of sensitive information will be applied to information maintained with these resources to the same extent that the requirements are applied 大学保存或维护的其他记录. 大学不卖东西 信息通过大学网站传递给其他实体. 

 服务通过大学网站通过表格(如.g.菲律宾十大网赌网站、财务 援助请求、工作申请、调查等.,而个人则须 enter personal information in order to process the request, such as name, physical 还有电子邮件地址,电话号码和财务数据. 如果所要求的信息是 没有输入,服务和/或请求不能在线完成.

Websites can use cookies to provide the user with tailored information from a website. A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to a browser, which may then 将其存储在用户的系统中. 某些应用程序可能要求用户接受cookie 为了使应用程序正常工作. 存在两种类型的cookie,会话 cookie和持久cookie. 会话cookie包含数据,Web可以通过这些数据 application the visitor is using can maintain the continuity and state of a session. Session cookies expire upon user logout, closing of the browser or timed-out sessions. Persistent cookies contain information that may be useful across multiple sessions, such as identifying the user or other persistent attributes, and are typically not 删除. 来自cookie的数据可用于识别用户趋势和模式,提供 服务和记录会话信息. Web浏览器可以配置为拒绝 饼干,接受饼干,禁用饼干并根据需要或期望删除饼干.

该大学有几个支持加密在线支付的网站. 机密 information entered for these payment transactions is only to be used for purposes 在/中为事务定义的. 一些事务是与校园系统隔离的 并且由第三方管理.

Some university 网站 may present university-sponsored information or activities 是专门为儿童设计的. 但是,任何此类网站都是有意的 to be used only by adults to voluntarily share information online, so that a child 13岁以下的人可以参加这些活动(e.g.、营地和浓缩 课程)或这样孩子可以从大学接收信息.

 University of Arkansas – Fort Smith 网站 contain links to third party applications 网站可能托管在大学服务器上,也可能不托管在大学服务器上. 大学不能 保证或对此类网站的隐私政策负责. 鼓励用户 熟悉第三方或校外网站的隐私政策.

除了遵守所有适用的法律法规,学校 strives to implement and maintain systems and policies to protect the confidentiality 以及用户提供的个人信息的完整性. 尽管有这些安全措施, the university does not represent or warrant that personal information will be protected 防止第三方遗失、误用或篡改.

该大学必须遵守《菲律宾十大网赌网站》 (《菲律宾十大网赌网站》)(柜. 代码安. §25-19-101等.),并可能被要求披露记录 maintained in the daily operations of the university unless such records are exempt 根据联邦或州法律披露. 因此,通过收集一些数据 university 网站 may be subject to disclosure upon receipt of a valid FOIA request. 
Additionally, at times, the university may be legally required to disclose information collected through university 网站 in response to a valid subpoena or court order 或者遵从法律允许的政府机构的调查.
Subject to governing law and other applicable university policies, the university reserves the right to disclose information collected on its 网站 to governmental authorities in connection with suspected unlawful activity or to aid an investigation 调查涉嫌非法活动. 此外,学校保留权利 release information collected on university 网站 to appropriate governmental authorities if university officials determine, in their sole judgement, that university policies have been violated, or that release of information is necessary to protect the rights, health, safety or property of persons or the university to protect the integrity of 大学计算机网络. 此外,大学保留披露的权利 information as university officials believe necessary to exercise the university’s 合法的权利,对实际的或潜在的法律索赔或其他方面进行辩护 大学政策允许或要求的. 
The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) places additional obligations on organizations that control or process personally identifiable information about 欧盟的人. 一些UAFS活动可能受到GDPR的保护,并且 大学已经更新了菲律宾十大网赌网站如何收集,存储和处理的政策 某些类型的数据. 进一步的细节,以及对保护措施的描述 undertaken by the University, data retention, and breach notification are available 校园GDPR政策.


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